Haskell County 4-H
What is 4-H?
4-H is a community of young people across Kansas engaged in learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Caring adults who support our programs are essential for youth to achieve their potential. Adults can share guidance, knowledge and wisdom, as well as model respect and provide skills training.
4-H is a nationwide program. Each of the four H's of the clover represent ways youth can grow and develop.
- Head, critical thinking, problem solving;
- Heart, self-discipline, integrity, communication;
- Hands, serving others; and
- Health, choosing healthy lifestyles.
4-H had its beginnings in rural America, but it now serves youth in urban and suburban as well as rural communities. Kansas 4-H is open to youth between the ages of 7 and 19. The new 4-H year starts in October, so many prefer to join 4-H at the start of the school year. 4-H enrollment, however, is open year round, so youth can join any time.
Here are the pages including information specific to Haskell County 4-H.
Join Haskell County 4-H
End of the year County Awards
Scholarship Application 4-H Seniors
Haskell County Club Days
Club Officer Resources
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